link to chapter 2

General notes

The datasets had been released to accompany the original edition of the book and so they’re already cleaner than many spreadsheets. But most of them still needed some reworking before they could be visualised.

I didn’t want to manually edit any of the spreadsheets or make new versions except as a very last resort; the aim is to do all necessary tidying or reformatting within R and leave the original data untouched.

Some of the spreadsheets contain multiple tabs and include data not used in the graphs, so in some cases I had to do a bit of detective work and checking to ensure I was using the right data.

All of the spreadsheets contained titles and other information on the first two lines (minimum) of the sheet, so these lines need to be skipped when reading in the data.


library(readxl) # read excel spreadsheets
library(janitor) # utilities including clean_names for consistently formatting column names, often a problem with data in spreadsheets
library(lubridate) # date functions
library(scales) # ggplot scales eg %ages
library(patchwork) # extra plot layout options
library(tidyverse) # data wrangling, includes dplyr, tidyr and ggplot


# ggplot extras ####

theme_set(theme_minimal()) # set preferred ggplot theme 
theme_update(plot.title = element_text(size = rel(1.1), hjust = 0)) # adjustments to theme
update_geom_defaults("line", list(size = 0.85))

F2.2: Prosecutions

I’m not going to reproduce all the original b/w graphs, but this is quite a typical example.

It’s at the more complex end of the visualisations in some respects.

Note the use of the clean_names() function from the janitor package. This is invaluable when importing from spreadsheets, which tend to have column names that are not consistently formed and are designed for human rather than machine readers. (R will handle names that contain things like spaces but they have to be enclosed in backticks, which is a bore. I find it easier to convert on importing and then make any nice display labels at the final stage when they’re actually needed.) There are some other great functions in {janitor} that I ought to use more often…

# data from two separate tabs in the spreadsheet
c2_ob <-
  read_xlsx("datasets/Crime_Prosecutions.xlsx", sheet = "Old Bailey", skip = 2) %>%

# and nb this sheet contains data in separate columns for two institutions, Bridewell and the London Workhouse.
c2_bridewell <-
  read_xlsx("datasets/Crime_Prosecutions.xlsx", sheet = "Bridewell", skip = 2) %>%

c2_ob_brd_long <-
# bind_rows() combines the two data frames
# an alternative approach would be to use a full join (on the year column) and then gather
    c2_bridewell %>% filter(between(year, 1681,1713)) %>% 
    # the Bridewell column was ambiguously named "estimatedValues" so (after checking that it was actually for Bridewell) I renamed it
      select(year, bridewell, londonWorkhouse, bridewellEstimated=estimatedValues, londonWorkhouseEstimated= estimatedLondonWorkhouseValues) %>%
    # gather() to reshape from wide to narrow format
      gather("k", "v", bridewell:londonWorkhouseEstimated)
    c2_ob %>% filter(between(year, 1681, 1713)) %>% 
      select(year, oldBailey= totalCorrected, oldBaileyEstimated = estimatedOldBaileyValues) %>%
      gather("k", "v",oldBailey:oldBaileyEstimated)
# why did I do gathering separately before bind rows? I don't remember, looks a bit daft...
# using "k" and "v" ("key" and "value") as the new column names was just laziness. it's better to use something more meaningful.

What the Bridewell/London Workhouse data looks like before applying gather(). This is classic “wide” format spreadsheet data.

c2_bridewell %>%
  select(year:estimatedLondonWorkhouseValues) %>%
  # knitr::kable() and kableExtra::kable_styling() to make nice tables
  kable() %>% 
  kable_styling() %>%
year bridewell estimatedValues londonWorkhouse estimatedLondonWorkhouseValues
1681 896 NA NA NA
1682 944 NA NA NA
1683 822 NA NA NA
1684 804 NA NA NA
1685 1279 NA NA NA
1686 954 NA NA NA
1687 1069 NA NA NA
1688 963 NA NA NA
1689 973 NA NA NA
1690 819 NA NA NA
1691 689 NA NA NA
1692 781 781 NA NA
1693 NA 927 NA NA
1694 1072 1072 NA NA
1695 969 969 NA NA
1696 NA 937 NA NA
1697 904 904 NA NA
1698 1370 1370 NA NA
1699 NA 1388 NA NA
1700 1406 1406 NA NA
1701 1277 1277 71 NA
1702 1212 1212 262 NA
1703 NA 827 442 NA
1704 441 441 653 NA
1705 366 NA 611 NA
1706 182 NA 540 NA
1707 279 NA 405 405
1708 290 NA NA 446
1709 225 NA NA 487
1710 299 NA 528 528
1711 392 NA 611 NA
1712 416 NA 491 NA
1713 371 NA 508 NA
1714 332 NA 538 NA
1715 NA NA NA NA
1716 274 NA 363 NA
1717 350 NA NA NA
1718 327 NA NA NA
1719 288 NA NA NA
1720 NA NA NA NA
1721 NA NA 683 NA
1722 NA NA NA NA
1723 293 NA 692 NA
1724 NA NA 750 NA
1725 NA NA 600 NA
1726 NA NA 600 NA
1727 317 NA 285 NA
1728 257 NA 478 NA
1729 179 NA 685 NA
1730 331 NA 515 NA
1731 572 NA 305 NA
1732 673 NA 315 NA
1733 612 NA 367 NA
1734 325 NA 445 NA
1735 325 NA 250 NA
1736 465 465 380 NA
1737 NA 472 358 NA
1738 488 488 358 NA
1739 NA 434 358 NA
1740 380 380 303 NA
1741 372 372 469 NA
1742 NA 377 357 NA
1743 381 381 265 NA
1744 423 NA 207 NA
1745 348 348 205 205
1746 NA 366 NA 265
1747 NA 383 NA 325
1748 401 401 384 384
1749 378 NA 384 NA
1750 322 322 384 NA
1751 NA 321 384 NA
1752 NA 321 384 NA
1753 320 320 384 NA
1754 341 341 384 NA
1755 NA 333 NA NA
1756 NA 325 NA NA
1757 NA 316 NA NA
1758 308 308 NA NA
1759 245 NA NA NA
1760 346 NA NA NA
1761 357 NA NA NA
1762 579 NA NA NA
1763 634 NA NA NA
1764 336 NA NA NA
1765 392 NA NA NA
1766 570 NA NA NA
1767 461 NA NA NA
1768 569 NA NA NA
1769 564 564 NA NA
1770 NA 460 NA NA
1771 355 355 NA NA
1772 1709 NA NA NA
1773 777 NA NA NA
1774 808 NA NA NA
1775 1084 NA NA NA
1776 983 NA NA NA
1777 544 NA NA NA
1778 1027 NA NA NA
1779 681 NA NA NA
1780 459 NA NA NA
1781 484 NA NA NA
1782 659 NA NA NA
1783 1597 NA NA NA
1784 2956 NA NA NA
1785 612 NA NA NA
1786 716 NA NA NA
1787 865 NA NA NA
1788 711 NA NA NA
1789 NA NA NA NA
1790 894 NA NA NA
1791 809 NA NA NA
1792 1515 NA NA NA
1793 1502 NA NA NA
1794 1224 NA NA NA
1795 1318 NA NA NA
1796 1490 NA NA NA
1797 1371 NA NA NA
1798 1439 NA NA NA
1799 1548 NA NA NA
1800 1989 NA NA NA
1801 1935 NA NA NA
1802 1751 NA NA NA
1803 1480 NA NA NA
1804 1296 NA NA NA
1805 1328 NA NA NA
1806 1239 NA NA NA
1807 1300 NA NA NA
1808 1226 NA NA NA
1809 553 NA NA NA
1810 615 NA NA NA

And the “wide” Old Bailey data:

c2_ob %>%
  select(year, totalOffences, estimatedOldBaileyValues) %>%
  kable() %>% 
  kable_styling() %>%
year totalOffences estimatedOldBaileyValues
1680 127 NA
1681 143 NA
1682 177 NA
1683 217 NA
1684 320 NA
1685 370 NA
1686 319 NA
1687 418 NA
1688 295 NA
1689 299 NA
1690 339 NA
1691 304 NA
1692 259 NA
1693 489 NA
1694 336 NA
1695 366 NA
1696 355 NA
1697 339 NA
1698 394 NA
1699 199 NA
1700 141 564.0
1701 NA 432.0
1702 75 300.0
1703 78 NA
1704 129 344.0
1705 NA 324.3
1706 1 304.5
1707 178 284.8
1708 176 NA
1709 109 NA
1710 181 NA
1711 189 NA
1712 175 NA
1713 117 NA
1714 320 NA
1715 501 NA
1716 469 NA
1717 451 NA
1718 455 NA
1719 453 NA
1720 449 NA
1721 549 NA
1722 482 NA
1723 475 NA
1724 574 NA
1725 672 NA
1726 595 NA
1727 491 NA
1728 527 NA
1729 607 NA
1730 609 NA
1731 563 NA
1732 526 NA
1733 492 NA
1734 463 NA
1735 596 NA
1736 569 NA
1737 488 NA
1738 397 NA
1739 506 NA
1740 491 NA
1741 539 NA
1742 420 NA
1743 486 NA
1744 440 NA
1745 332 NA
1746 365 NA
1747 369 NA
1748 521 NA
1749 611 NA
1750 569 NA
1751 535 NA
1752 486 NA
1753 503 NA
1754 463 NA
1755 394 NA
1756 386 NA
1757 380 NA
1758 348 NA
1759 326 NA
1760 319 NA
1761 349 NA
1762 315 NA
1763 470 NA
1764 565 NA
1765 484 NA
1766 512 NA
1767 541 NA
1768 548 NA
1769 564 NA
1770 612 NA
1771 710 NA
1772 740 NA
1773 743 NA
1774 735 NA
1775 657 NA
1776 658 NA
1777 658 NA
1778 644 NA
1779 407 NA
1780 565 NA
1781 554 NA
1782 641 NA
1783 922 NA
1784 1104 NA
1785 945 NA
1786 959 NA
1787 872 NA
1788 762 NA
1789 880 NA
1790 751 NA
1791 433 NA
1792 608 NA
1793 726 NA
1794 641 NA
1795 555 NA
1796 659 NA
1797 571 NA
1798 622 NA
1799 604 NA
1800 871 NA

What gather() does is to put each of those columns (apart from year) on its own row. After gathering and combining the three sources into one data frame we get:

c2_ob_brd_long %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling() %>%
year k v
1681 bridewell 896.0
1682 bridewell 944.0
1683 bridewell 822.0
1684 bridewell 804.0
1685 bridewell 1279.0
1686 bridewell 954.0
1687 bridewell 1069.0
1688 bridewell 963.0
1689 bridewell 973.0
1690 bridewell 819.0
1691 bridewell 689.0
1692 bridewell 781.0
1693 bridewell NA
1694 bridewell 1072.0
1695 bridewell 969.0
1696 bridewell NA
1697 bridewell 904.0
1698 bridewell 1370.0
1699 bridewell NA
1700 bridewell 1406.0
1701 bridewell 1277.0
1702 bridewell 1212.0
1703 bridewell NA
1704 bridewell 441.0
1705 bridewell 366.0
1706 bridewell 182.0
1707 bridewell 279.0
1708 bridewell 290.0
1709 bridewell 225.0
1710 bridewell 299.0
1711 bridewell 392.0
1712 bridewell 416.0
1713 bridewell 371.0
1681 londonWorkhouse NA
1682 londonWorkhouse NA
1683 londonWorkhouse NA
1684 londonWorkhouse NA
1685 londonWorkhouse NA
1686 londonWorkhouse NA
1687 londonWorkhouse NA
1688 londonWorkhouse NA
1689 londonWorkhouse NA
1690 londonWorkhouse NA
1691 londonWorkhouse NA
1692 londonWorkhouse NA
1693 londonWorkhouse NA
1694 londonWorkhouse NA
1695 londonWorkhouse NA
1696 londonWorkhouse NA
1697 londonWorkhouse NA
1698 londonWorkhouse NA
1699 londonWorkhouse NA
1700 londonWorkhouse NA
1701 londonWorkhouse 71.0
1702 londonWorkhouse 262.0
1703 londonWorkhouse 442.0
1704 londonWorkhouse 653.0
1705 londonWorkhouse 611.0
1706 londonWorkhouse 540.0
1707 londonWorkhouse 405.0
1708 londonWorkhouse NA
1709 londonWorkhouse NA
1710 londonWorkhouse 528.0
1711 londonWorkhouse 611.0
1712 londonWorkhouse 491.0
1713 londonWorkhouse 508.0
1681 bridewellEstimated NA
1682 bridewellEstimated NA
1683 bridewellEstimated NA
1684 bridewellEstimated NA
1685 bridewellEstimated NA
1686 bridewellEstimated NA
1687 bridewellEstimated NA
1688 bridewellEstimated NA
1689 bridewellEstimated NA
1690 bridewellEstimated NA
1691 bridewellEstimated NA
1692 bridewellEstimated 781.0
1693 bridewellEstimated 927.0
1694 bridewellEstimated 1072.0
1695 bridewellEstimated 969.0
1696 bridewellEstimated 937.0
1697 bridewellEstimated 904.0
1698 bridewellEstimated 1370.0
1699 bridewellEstimated 1388.0
1700 bridewellEstimated 1406.0
1701 bridewellEstimated 1277.0
1702 bridewellEstimated 1212.0
1703 bridewellEstimated 827.0
1704 bridewellEstimated 441.0
1705 bridewellEstimated NA
1706 bridewellEstimated NA
1707 bridewellEstimated NA
1708 bridewellEstimated NA
1709 bridewellEstimated NA
1710 bridewellEstimated NA
1711 bridewellEstimated NA
1712 bridewellEstimated NA
1713 bridewellEstimated NA
1681 londonWorkhouseEstimated NA
1682 londonWorkhouseEstimated NA
1683 londonWorkhouseEstimated NA
1684 londonWorkhouseEstimated NA
1685 londonWorkhouseEstimated NA
1686 londonWorkhouseEstimated NA
1687 londonWorkhouseEstimated NA
1688 londonWorkhouseEstimated NA
1689 londonWorkhouseEstimated NA
1690 londonWorkhouseEstimated NA
1691 londonWorkhouseEstimated NA
1692 londonWorkhouseEstimated NA
1693 londonWorkhouseEstimated NA
1694 londonWorkhouseEstimated NA
1695 londonWorkhouseEstimated NA
1696 londonWorkhouseEstimated NA
1697 londonWorkhouseEstimated NA
1698 londonWorkhouseEstimated NA
1699 londonWorkhouseEstimated NA
1700 londonWorkhouseEstimated NA
1701 londonWorkhouseEstimated NA
1702 londonWorkhouseEstimated NA
1703 londonWorkhouseEstimated NA
1704 londonWorkhouseEstimated NA
1705 londonWorkhouseEstimated NA
1706 londonWorkhouseEstimated NA
1707 londonWorkhouseEstimated 405.0
1708 londonWorkhouseEstimated 446.0
1709 londonWorkhouseEstimated 487.0
1710 londonWorkhouseEstimated 528.0
1711 londonWorkhouseEstimated NA
1712 londonWorkhouseEstimated NA
1713 londonWorkhouseEstimated NA
1681 oldBailey 143.0
1682 oldBailey 202.3
1683 oldBailey 217.0
1684 oldBailey 320.0
1685 oldBailey 370.0
1686 oldBailey 319.0
1687 oldBailey 418.0
1688 oldBailey 295.0
1689 oldBailey 478.4
1690 oldBailey 339.0
1691 oldBailey 347.4
1692 oldBailey 345.3
1693 oldBailey 558.9
1694 oldBailey 448.0
1695 oldBailey 418.3
1696 oldBailey 568.0
1697 oldBailey 542.4
1698 oldBailey 630.4
1699 oldBailey 530.7
1700 oldBailey 564.0
1701 oldBailey NA
1702 oldBailey 300.0
1703 oldBailey 208.0
1704 oldBailey 344.0
1705 oldBailey NA
1706 oldBailey NA
1707 oldBailey 284.8
1708 oldBailey 281.6
1709 oldBailey 290.7
1710 oldBailey 482.7
1711 oldBailey 378.0
1712 oldBailey 350.0
1713 oldBailey 468.0
1681 oldBaileyEstimated NA
1682 oldBaileyEstimated NA
1683 oldBaileyEstimated NA
1684 oldBaileyEstimated NA
1685 oldBaileyEstimated NA
1686 oldBaileyEstimated NA
1687 oldBaileyEstimated NA
1688 oldBaileyEstimated NA
1689 oldBaileyEstimated NA
1690 oldBaileyEstimated NA
1691 oldBaileyEstimated NA
1692 oldBaileyEstimated NA
1693 oldBaileyEstimated NA
1694 oldBaileyEstimated NA
1695 oldBaileyEstimated NA
1696 oldBaileyEstimated NA
1697 oldBaileyEstimated NA
1698 oldBaileyEstimated NA
1699 oldBaileyEstimated NA
1700 oldBaileyEstimated 564.0
1701 oldBaileyEstimated 432.0
1702 oldBaileyEstimated 300.0
1703 oldBaileyEstimated NA
1704 oldBaileyEstimated 344.0
1705 oldBaileyEstimated 324.3
1706 oldBaileyEstimated 304.5
1707 oldBaileyEstimated 284.8
1708 oldBaileyEstimated NA
1709 oldBaileyEstimated NA
1710 oldBaileyEstimated NA
1711 oldBaileyEstimated NA
1712 oldBaileyEstimated NA
1713 oldBaileyEstimated NA

What if I’d used a join instead?

c2_brd_ob_join <-
c2_bridewell %>%
  select(year, bridewell, bridewellEstimated=estimatedValues, londonWorkhouse,  londonWorkhouseEstimated=estimatedLondonWorkhouseValues) %>%
  filter(between(year, 1681, 1713)) %>%
  # inner_join is fine here but needs to be used with care because there have to be matching values in *both* tables. 
  # sometimes you'd need left_join or full_join, but they can be slower.
    c2_ob %>%
      select(year, oldBailey= totalCorrected, oldBaileyEstimated = estimatedOldBaileyValues ),

c2_brd_ob_join %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling() %>%
  scroll_box(height = "400px")
year bridewell bridewellEstimated londonWorkhouse londonWorkhouseEstimated oldBailey oldBaileyEstimated
1681 896 NA NA NA 143.0 NA
1682 944 NA NA NA 202.3 NA
1683 822 NA NA NA 217.0 NA
1684 804 NA NA NA 320.0 NA
1685 1279 NA NA NA 370.0 NA
1686 954 NA NA NA 319.0 NA
1687 1069 NA NA NA 418.0 NA
1688 963 NA NA NA 295.0 NA
1689 973 NA NA NA 478.4 NA
1690 819 NA NA NA 339.0 NA
1691 689 NA NA NA 347.4 NA
1692 781 781 NA NA 345.3 NA
1693 NA 927 NA NA 558.9 NA
1694 1072 1072 NA NA 448.0 NA
1695 969 969 NA NA 418.3 NA
1696 NA 937 NA NA 568.0 NA
1697 904 904 NA NA 542.4 NA
1698 1370 1370 NA NA 630.4 NA
1699 NA 1388 NA NA 530.7 NA
1700 1406 1406 NA NA 564.0 564.0
1701 1277 1277 71 NA NA 432.0
1702 1212 1212 262 NA 300.0 300.0
1703 NA 827 442 NA 208.0 NA
1704 441 441 653 NA 344.0 344.0
1705 366 NA 611 NA NA 324.3
1706 182 NA 540 NA NA 304.5
1707 279 NA 405 405 284.8 284.8
1708 290 NA NA 446 281.6 NA
1709 225 NA NA 487 290.7 NA
1710 299 NA 528 528 482.7 NA
1711 392 NA 611 NA 378.0 NA
1712 416 NA 491 NA 350.0 NA
1713 371 NA 508 NA 468.0 NA

And then gather…

c2_brd_ob_join %>%
  gather("k", "v", bridewell:oldBaileyEstimated) %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling() %>%
  scroll_box(height = "400px")
year k v
1681 bridewell 896.0
1682 bridewell 944.0
1683 bridewell 822.0
1684 bridewell 804.0
1685 bridewell 1279.0
1686 bridewell 954.0
1687 bridewell 1069.0
1688 bridewell 963.0
1689 bridewell 973.0
1690 bridewell 819.0
1691 bridewell 689.0
1692 bridewell 781.0
1693 bridewell NA
1694 bridewell 1072.0
1695 bridewell 969.0
1696 bridewell NA
1697 bridewell 904.0
1698 bridewell 1370.0
1699 bridewell NA
1700 bridewell 1406.0
1701 bridewell 1277.0
1702 bridewell 1212.0
1703 bridewell NA
1704 bridewell 441.0
1705 bridewell 366.0
1706 bridewell 182.0
1707 bridewell 279.0
1708 bridewell 290.0
1709 bridewell 225.0
1710 bridewell 299.0
1711 bridewell 392.0
1712 bridewell 416.0
1713 bridewell 371.0
1681 bridewellEstimated NA
1682 bridewellEstimated NA
1683 bridewellEstimated NA
1684 bridewellEstimated NA
1685 bridewellEstimated NA
1686 bridewellEstimated NA
1687 bridewellEstimated NA
1688 bridewellEstimated NA
1689 bridewellEstimated NA
1690 bridewellEstimated NA
1691 bridewellEstimated NA
1692 bridewellEstimated 781.0
1693 bridewellEstimated 927.0
1694 bridewellEstimated 1072.0
1695 bridewellEstimated 969.0
1696 bridewellEstimated 937.0
1697 bridewellEstimated 904.0
1698 bridewellEstimated 1370.0
1699 bridewellEstimated 1388.0
1700 bridewellEstimated 1406.0
1701 bridewellEstimated 1277.0
1702 bridewellEstimated 1212.0
1703 bridewellEstimated 827.0
1704 bridewellEstimated 441.0
1705 bridewellEstimated NA
1706 bridewellEstimated NA
1707 bridewellEstimated NA
1708 bridewellEstimated NA
1709 bridewellEstimated NA
1710 bridewellEstimated NA
1711 bridewellEstimated NA
1712 bridewellEstimated NA
1713 bridewellEstimated NA
1681 londonWorkhouse NA
1682 londonWorkhouse NA
1683 londonWorkhouse NA
1684 londonWorkhouse NA
1685 londonWorkhouse NA
1686 londonWorkhouse NA
1687 londonWorkhouse NA
1688 londonWorkhouse NA
1689 londonWorkhouse NA
1690 londonWorkhouse NA
1691 londonWorkhouse NA
1692 londonWorkhouse NA
1693 londonWorkhouse NA
1694 londonWorkhouse NA
1695 londonWorkhouse NA
1696 londonWorkhouse NA
1697 londonWorkhouse NA
1698 londonWorkhouse NA
1699 londonWorkhouse NA
1700 londonWorkhouse NA
1701 londonWorkhouse 71.0
1702 londonWorkhouse 262.0
1703 londonWorkhouse 442.0
1704 londonWorkhouse 653.0
1705 londonWorkhouse 611.0
1706 londonWorkhouse 540.0
1707 londonWorkhouse 405.0
1708 londonWorkhouse NA
1709 londonWorkhouse NA
1710 londonWorkhouse 528.0
1711 londonWorkhouse 611.0
1712 londonWorkhouse 491.0
1713 londonWorkhouse 508.0
1681 londonWorkhouseEstimated NA
1682 londonWorkhouseEstimated NA
1683 londonWorkhouseEstimated NA
1684 londonWorkhouseEstimated NA
1685 londonWorkhouseEstimated NA
1686 londonWorkhouseEstimated NA
1687 londonWorkhouseEstimated NA
1688 londonWorkhouseEstimated NA
1689 londonWorkhouseEstimated NA
1690 londonWorkhouseEstimated NA
1691 londonWorkhouseEstimated NA
1692 londonWorkhouseEstimated NA
1693 londonWorkhouseEstimated NA
1694 londonWorkhouseEstimated NA
1695 londonWorkhouseEstimated NA
1696 londonWorkhouseEstimated NA
1697 londonWorkhouseEstimated NA
1698 londonWorkhouseEstimated NA
1699 londonWorkhouseEstimated NA
1700 londonWorkhouseEstimated NA
1701 londonWorkhouseEstimated NA
1702 londonWorkhouseEstimated NA
1703 londonWorkhouseEstimated NA
1704 londonWorkhouseEstimated NA
1705 londonWorkhouseEstimated NA
1706 londonWorkhouseEstimated NA
1707 londonWorkhouseEstimated 405.0
1708 londonWorkhouseEstimated 446.0
1709 londonWorkhouseEstimated 487.0
1710 londonWorkhouseEstimated 528.0
1711 londonWorkhouseEstimated NA
1712 londonWorkhouseEstimated NA
1713 londonWorkhouseEstimated NA
1681 oldBailey 143.0
1682 oldBailey 202.3
1683 oldBailey 217.0
1684 oldBailey 320.0
1685 oldBailey 370.0
1686 oldBailey 319.0
1687 oldBailey 418.0
1688 oldBailey 295.0
1689 oldBailey 478.4
1690 oldBailey 339.0
1691 oldBailey 347.4
1692 oldBailey 345.3
1693 oldBailey 558.9
1694 oldBailey 448.0
1695 oldBailey 418.3
1696 oldBailey 568.0
1697 oldBailey 542.4
1698 oldBailey 630.4
1699 oldBailey 530.7
1700 oldBailey 564.0
1701 oldBailey NA
1702 oldBailey 300.0
1703 oldBailey 208.0
1704 oldBailey 344.0
1705 oldBailey NA
1706 oldBailey NA
1707 oldBailey 284.8
1708 oldBailey 281.6
1709 oldBailey 290.7
1710 oldBailey 482.7
1711 oldBailey 378.0
1712 oldBailey 350.0
1713 oldBailey 468.0
1681 oldBaileyEstimated NA
1682 oldBaileyEstimated NA
1683 oldBaileyEstimated NA
1684 oldBaileyEstimated NA
1685 oldBaileyEstimated NA
1686 oldBaileyEstimated NA
1687 oldBaileyEstimated NA
1688 oldBaileyEstimated NA
1689 oldBaileyEstimated NA
1690 oldBaileyEstimated NA
1691 oldBaileyEstimated NA
1692 oldBaileyEstimated NA
1693 oldBaileyEstimated NA
1694 oldBaileyEstimated NA
1695 oldBaileyEstimated NA
1696 oldBaileyEstimated NA
1697 oldBaileyEstimated NA
1698 oldBaileyEstimated NA
1699 oldBaileyEstimated NA
1700 oldBaileyEstimated 564.0
1701 oldBaileyEstimated 432.0
1702 oldBaileyEstimated 300.0
1703 oldBaileyEstimated NA
1704 oldBaileyEstimated 344.0
1705 oldBaileyEstimated 324.3
1706 oldBaileyEstimated 304.5
1707 oldBaileyEstimated 284.8
1708 oldBaileyEstimated NA
1709 oldBaileyEstimated NA
1710 oldBaileyEstimated NA
1711 oldBaileyEstimated NA
1712 oldBaileyEstimated NA
1713 oldBaileyEstimated NA

(In R, there are nearly always at least two ways to do the same thing…)

Once the data is in the right shape the ggplot code for a line graph is straightforward, but there are some aesthetic additions:

# set order of variables in legends
c2_fig2_brk <- 
  c("bridewell", "bridewellEstimated", "oldBailey", "oldBaileyEstimated", "londonWorkhouse", "londonWorkhouseEstimated")

# set nice labels
c2_fig2_labels <- 
  c("Bridewell", "Estimated\nBridewell", "Old Bailey", "Estimated\nOld Bailey", "London\nWorkhouse", "Est. London\nWorkhouse")

c2_ob_brd_long_ggplot <-
c2_ob_brd_long %>%
  # your aes() stuff can go inside either ggplot() or geom_line()
  # nb linetype for line styling
  ggplot(aes(x=factor(year), y=v, colour=k, group=k, linetype=k)) +
  geom_line() +
  # finesse axis labels
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0,1600,200), limits = c(0,1600)) +
  scale_x_discrete(breaks = seq(1681, 1714, 2)) +
  # manually control assignment of line colours and add the labels configuration set up earlier
    values= c("#D55E00", "#D55E00", "#E69F00", "#E69F00", "#0072B2", "#0072B2"), 
    labels= c2_fig2_labels) +
  # and ditto the linetypes
  # (not at all sure why I gave each series different styling for the estimated values)
    values = c("solid", "dashed", "solid", "dotted", "solid", "dotdash"), 
    labels= c2_fig2_labels) +
  # hide unwanted legend title
         linetype=guide_legend(title=NULL)) +
  # some nitpicky fiddling with legend margins
  theme(legend.text = element_text(margin = margin(t = 0.1, b=0.1, unit = "cm")) ) +
  # and add nice display labels
  labs(x="year", y="number", 
       title="Figure 2.2: Prosecutions and commitments, 1681–1714", 
       subtitle="The Old Bailey, Bridewell and London Workhouse")
## Warning: Removed 94 row(s)
## containing missing values
## (geom_path).
Figure 2.2: Prosecutions and commitments, 1681–1714: The Old Bailey, Bridewell and London Workhouse

Figure 2.2: Prosecutions and commitments, 1681–1714: The Old Bailey, Bridewell and London Workhouse

A reminder of what the original looked like.

Online dataset: Crime Prosecutions (xlsx)

F2.3: Vice Offences

This one is simpler.

c2_lm_books <-
  read_xlsx("datasets/LM_Waiting_and_Charge_Books_1686-1733.xlsx", sheet = "Data", skip = 2)  %>%

c2_lm_books_ggplot <-
c2_lm_books %>%
  # no idea why I decided to filter the years like this instead of using between()
  filter(year %in% c(1686, 1687, 1688, 1689, 1690, 1691, 1692, 1693, 1694) ) %>%
  gather("type", "counts", prostitution:total) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=year, y= counts, group=type, colour=type)) +
  geom_line() +
  # didn't bother to create the breaks and labels beforehand this time
    breaks=c("total", "drunkenness", "prostitution", "sabbathBreaking", "swearing"),  
    labels=c("Total", "Drunkenness", "Prostitution", "Sabbath\nBreaking", "Swearing"), 
    values = c("#D55E00", "#E69F00", "#0072B2", "#F0E442", "#CC79A7"))+
  guides(colour=guide_legend(title=NULL))  +
  labs(x="year", y="number of offences") +
  # using patchwork::plot_annotation() a bit fudgily here for cosmetic reasons: 
  # this was a particularly long plot title and it creates more space to fit it in 
  plot_annotation(title="Figure 2.3: Vice offences recorded in Lord Mayor's waiting and charge books, 1686-1694", theme = theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)))
Figure 2.3: Vice offences recorded in Lord Mayor's waiting and charge books, 1686-1694

Figure 2.3: Vice offences recorded in Lord Mayor’s waiting and charge books, 1686-1694

Online dataset: LM Waiting and Charge Books 1686-1733 (xlsx)