Gender and Defamation in York 1660-1700

Thomas Dalkin v. Grace Tennant

Reference: CP.H.4979

Related cases: CP.H.4988

Year: 1681

Plaintiff: male

Defendant: female

Defamatory words:

he had gott one bastard child; she heard that one Anne Mitchell was with child and said itt was well if Dalking had not had a finger in the pie

Tagged: bastardy, rogue, whoremaster


NB: these transcriptions are a work in progress and are provided without any guarantees of accuracy; checking the original documents wherever possible (via the reference links above) is recommended.

Common abbreviations:

  • exte: examinate (the witness being examined)
  • arlate, arte: articulate (ie, person referred to in the articles of accusation)


Anne Mitchell, York, spinster

... in May or June last past ... one afternoone about con~time? this exte went to the arte Grace Tennant's house, & to the best of her remembrance she went with something to be baked in the sd Tennant's oven, (whoe keeps a comon~ bakhouse in Nesse-gate at Castlegate....) and as this exte was about goeing away from the sd Tennant's house the arte Grace Tennant called this exte back to looke at one Anne Mitchell daughter to one Elizabeth Mitchell in Castlegate that was goeing by the doore to con~? [communion?], and said to this exte see thee this brazen faced whore, and when this exte asked her whome she meant she said Nanny Mitchell meaneing the aforesd Anne Mitchell... and this exte said No sure it is not soe to whome the sd Grace Tennant said yes hang her she's with barne, and likewise she sd that Dalking meaning (as this exte beleiv's) the arte Thomas Dalking, was very kinde with her and that it was well if he had not a finger in the pye by which words (as this exte did verily beleive and is satsfyed) she ment that the sd Thomas Dalking had comitted the crime of fornicacon~ or adultery with her the sd Anne Mitchell and in case she were with child that he had gott it and she also said that the sd Thomas Dalking was a ranck whoremr and that he had got one bastard already or words to that effect....

... by reason of the speakeing the words predeposed the good name and fameof both the sd Thomas Dalking and Anne Mitchell in theis exte oppinon is much hurt and impaired for the since the speakeing thereof severall psons have cast the same in theire teeth...

Mary wife of William Hutchinson, York, pewterer one of the months of May, June, or July last past... this exte being at the arte Grace Tennant's house in Nessegate at the end of Castlegate... heard the sd Grace Tennant in a very angry manner amongst severall ill words and bad languages call the arte Thomas Dalking whoremasterly rogue, and she said hang him for a whoremasterly rogue...