Gender and Defamation in York 1660-1700

Robert Hewit v. William Sergison

Reference: CP.H.4958

Year: 1664

Plaintiff: male

Defendant: male

Defamatory words:

he was a common picklocke fellow, and he killed two kine [cattle] of Sergison's; thou arte a rogue and a whoremasterlie rogue

Tagged: rogue, thief, whoremaster


NB: these transcriptions are a work in progress and are provided without any guarantees of accuracy; checking the original documents wherever possible (via the reference links above) is recommended.

Common abbreviations:

  • exte: examinate (the witness being examined)
  • arlate, arte: articulate (ie, person referred to in the articles of accusation)


John Smith, North Street, York, dyer (23 June 1664) one of the monthes of January February or March last past... this examinate being in the house of Jane Smith widdow mother to this exaiate scituate in North Streete in the said citty of Yorke and hearing there was some difference betwixt the pties... in this cause did send for the said Robert Hewitt & William Sergison to his said mothers house [with (smudged)] intent to compromise? the said differences, who accordingly came and then and there after some discourse had betwixt the said pties the said William Sergison did speake these very words to and against the said Robert Hewitt vizt. thou art a picklock fellow, thou did pick my locke and Ile prove it, there being none present at the speaking of those words save... Robert Hewitt... and this examinate

... this exte since the said monthes... hath heard the said William Sergison acknowledge and confesse that he did speak the words predeposed...

John Palin, par St Martin, Michaelgate, York, grocer,

... this exte in the monthe of January or February last past... was at the Craine house situate in Skeldergate... weighing some his this exaiates goods when & where he this exte did heare the pties litigant then & there alsoe present talking somewhat loud together but what their discourse was or what words? past betweixt them he this exte cannot depose...

Thomas Holgate, Bishopthorpe, sledman?

... this exte in the oneth of January last past arlate, was at the Craine house situate in Skeldergate in the citty of Yorke loading some goods from thence into the citty but whose goods they were he cannot now remember, at which time & place were also present the arlate Robert Hewitt & William Sergison ... chiding together, and this exte did heare the said William Sergison amongst other words speake to & against the said [Robert (smudged)] Hewitt these very words following vizt. thou art a rogue and a pickelocke fellow & Ile prove the one and I had two kine destroyed by thy meanes of wch words speaking the arlate Robert Hewitt ... desired him this examinate to take notice of...

John Cooke, par St Mary, Bishophill, York

... in the monthes of February or March last pst arte or the one of them he this exte was working at the Craine house situate in Skeldergate in the said citty of Yorke when and where were also present Robert Hewitt and William Sergison... brawling or quarrelling together and this exte did heare the said William Sergison amongst many other words call the arlate Robert Hewitt... picklocke fellow and further said to the said Robert Hewitt thou knowest I had two kine destroyed and thou art a whore maister....

Henry Balderston, par St Mary, Bishophill, York, glover

... [in one of the months Feb/March was working at the Crane house and] did heare the arlate Robert Hewitt & William Sergison... quarrelling & chiding together, & many uncivill words passe betwixt them and specially did heare the said William Sergison speake to & against the arte Robert Hewitt... thou art a picklocke and Ile prove the one....