Gender and Defamation in York 1660-1700

Margaret wife of William Hawkesworth v. Jane wife of Thomas Thompson

Reference: CP.H.4109

Related cases: DC.CP.1663/16

Year: 1686

Plaintiff: female

Defendant: female

Defamatory words:

she was a fatt arsed bitch and a fatt arsed sowe


NB: these transcriptions are a work in progress and are provided without any guarantees of accuracy; checking the original documents wherever possible (via the reference links above) is recommended.

Common abbreviations:

  • exte: examinate (the witness being examined)
  • arlate, arte: articulate (ie, person referred to in the articles of accusation)


Maria Hudson, York, widow (30 March 1685 or 6)

... she this examate hath knowne the arlate Margaret Hawkesworth ever since she was marryed which was three or foure yeares ago or thereabout...[during which time always taken to be a very honest woman etc]

... about Michaelmas last pst... she this examate heard the arlate Jane Thompson, as she the said Jane was going on in the street called Lendall Street... call the arte Margaret Hawkesworth fatt arsed bitch and fatt arsed sowe...

... this examate doth not beleive worse of the arte Margaret Hawkesworth for or by reason of the words predeposed...

[Jane Thompson is of par St Wilfrids] [mark]

Joseph Pattrickson, York, agricola

... hath lived wth William Hawkesworth... ever since Martinmas last ... dureing all which time she the said Margaret was accompted reputed & taken to be a woeman of good repute... [etc]

... upon Michmas Day last past... he this exte heard the arte Jane Thompson call the arte Margaret Hawkesworth fatt arsed sow, and fatt arsed bitch, at which time the said Jane Thompson was going on the street called Lendall Street...

... he beleives that the good name of the arte Margaret Hawkesworth is impaired and hurt by reason of speaking the words predeposed [mark]

[additional: to the effect that the words were spoken in the street; he was sweeping his master's yard near to the door where Margaret was standing, and he was near to her when Jane spoke the words, & he was & is William H's servant]