Gender and Defamation in York 1660-1700

Susan wife of Christopher Hartnes v. Elizabeth wife of John Addison

Reference: DC.CP.1661/2

Related cases: DC.CP.1662/4

Year: 1661

Plaintiff: female

Defendant: female

Defamatory words:

she was a whore a pockey whore and burnt her husband, and Mr George Lamplough had had the use of her for five yeres together both above staires & below or any where he pleased he had her at command

Tagged: pox, whore


NB: these transcriptions are a work in progress and are provided without any guarantees of accuracy; checking the original documents wherever possible (via the reference links above) is recommended.

Common abbreviations:

  • exte: examinate (the witness being examined)
  • arlate, arte: articulate (ie, person referred to in the articles of accusation)


Isabel Sanderson wife of William Sanderson, Clifton, York the moneth of August last past... this examinate beinge goeinge upon her occasions by the house of John Addison, the arte Elizabeth Addison was standinge at the said doore and the said Elizabeth catch hold of a basket this ext had then under her arme and said that pocky burnt whore Hartnes wife...had got all the custome, and that she the said Susan had had the pockes and that there came a mans wife out of Ysher to cure her of them there beinge then none present save her this examinate and the said Elizabeth ...

Isabella Slater wife of John Slater, Clifton, tailor the moneth of June last past... this examinate together with Hester Marshall beinge sittinge together at John Marshall's doore in Clifton the arte Elizabeth Addison came to them, and without any question or other discouse had, she the said Elizabeth Addison then pointinge at the arte Susan Hartnes who was goinge alonge the other side the street said yonder goes the whore Hartnes and this examinate askinge her why she said soe, she the said Elizabeth Addison answered, yes, she... is a whore a pockey whore and burnt her husband, and further said that Mr George Lamplough had had the use of her for five yeres together both above staires & below or any where he pleased he had her at command, intimatinge thereby (as this examinate did and doth conceive) that she the said Susan Hartnes was a lewd woman and had comitted the crime of adultery with the said Mr Lamplough at which tyme were by and present onely this examinate and the said Hester Marshall...

Elizabeth Wedgwood wife of Thomas, Botham, coachman the moneth of September last past... Elizabeth Addison came into this examinates house scituate in Botham and told this examinate that the arte Susan Harnes was a whore and a pockey whore, and further told this examinate that she would not let her daughter there but whied her to her house to spend her money at which tyme there were not any by & present save them...

Ralph Laire, Clifton, joiner

...about the tenth day of August last past... he this examinate beinge goeinge in the evening by the doore of John Addison did observe a man come to the doore who enquired for the sigre[?] of the psosre[?] keys, she the said Elizabeth Addison comeinge to the doore told him that the psosre[?] keys were above where one Christopher Hartnes lived but said that, that house was not well accompted of the strainger answered her he was sent to it for an honest house, but she said that was strainge it could be soe, for Susan Hartnes was a whore and a pocky whore and a burnt whore, and Mr George Lamploughs whore and that he had her at his comaund five yeares together at the stayres head or foot or where he pleased at which tyme were by and present none but the said Addison him this exte and the said strainger...

[believes Susan much injured and hurt by the words] for that he knoweth that severall of the guests have left her house thereupon...

Jane Farnwell wife of Gervase, Leeds, tailor

... about the midle of August last past... this exte beinge in the house of William Megson scituate in clifton ... the arte Elizabeth Addison came into the said house, and tooke occasion to speake to this examinate wishinge her not to fetch any drinke & Christopher Hartnes sayinge Susan Hartnes his wife was a whore a pockey whore and a burnt whore five yeares together and that whoe ever dranke of his drinke would have the pocks intimatinge thereby (as this exte did and doth beleeve) that the arte Susan Hartnes was a lewd woman and had comitted the crime of adulter with divers men and more especially with the arte Mr George Lamplough. At which tyme was by and present she this examinate the said Elizabeth Addison & Ellen Megson...about a weeke after the utterance of the words... she this examinate beinge goeinge alonge the street in Clifton together with Ralph Lare... and comeinge to the doore of where the arte Elizabeth Addison then lived found her talkeinge with a man who was a strainger and enquireinge for the house of Christopher Hartnes that he might (as he then said) lodge there where and when she this ext heard the arte Elizabeth Addison disswade the said man from goeinge thither tellinge him that the arte Susan Hartnes was a whore a pocky whore and a burnt whore and Mr Lamploughs whore...

... she doth beleeve that the arte Susan Hartnes is ... much hurt and impared in her credit and good name within the places arte and that those who formerly did use her house have by reason of the said words forborne to come thither...